3x5 Club Guarantees
1) You'll finish the Bible. If you read the assigned passages for each day, you'll finish the entire Bible during the calendar year.
2) It won't be that hard. If you keep up with your reading, you'll find the amount of time it takes each day is very manageable.
3) You'll know the Bible better. By taking advantage of this system and these resources, you'll come out of the year with a far better knowledge and understanding of the Bible than you had before.
4), Your knowledge will snowball. The more you learn about the Bible during this year, the more you'll find yourself picking up in future reading, studying, sermons, worship services, and such.
5) Singing will mean more. So many songs of faith are taken from Scripture. The better we know those Scriptures, therefore, the better we will understand what we're singing.
6) You will hear God more clearly. The Bible is His Word, and when we have it in our heads and in our hearts, we make it that much easier for Him to be able to speak to us in all of life.
2) It won't be that hard. If you keep up with your reading, you'll find the amount of time it takes each day is very manageable.
3) You'll know the Bible better. By taking advantage of this system and these resources, you'll come out of the year with a far better knowledge and understanding of the Bible than you had before.
4), Your knowledge will snowball. The more you learn about the Bible during this year, the more you'll find yourself picking up in future reading, studying, sermons, worship services, and such.
5) Singing will mean more. So many songs of faith are taken from Scripture. The better we know those Scriptures, therefore, the better we will understand what we're singing.
6) You will hear God more clearly. The Bible is His Word, and when we have it in our heads and in our hearts, we make it that much easier for Him to be able to speak to us in all of life.
Helpful Links
The web is full of resources to help you in your reading, studying, understanding, and applying of God's Word. Here are a few that we have found helpful and responsible.
Bible Translations
There are SO many different translations of the Bible. But why? What's the difference between them? Shouldn't they all come out the same? This online PDF provides an excellent explanation of the different kinds of translations that are out there and what each is designed to be.
Bible Versions
And, in addition to there being so many translations, there are so very many different Bibles. Each one has its unique benefits. Here is a pretty complete selection of what's available today.
Online Bible
Here is a great site for searching the Bible online, including a wide variety of translations and search methods. They've also added other helpful resources, and now they offer a very cool app, as well.
Bible Places
A number of sites provide photographs of the lands of the Bible. This site has an excellent collection, well-organized, and featuring helpful captions.
Bible Software
If you ever decide that you would like a high-end piece of Bible software, with an incredible array of translations, search capabilities, study devices and resources, original language tools, and more, we enthusiastically recommend BibleWorks.
Bible Translations
There are SO many different translations of the Bible. But why? What's the difference between them? Shouldn't they all come out the same? This online PDF provides an excellent explanation of the different kinds of translations that are out there and what each is designed to be.
Bible Versions
And, in addition to there being so many translations, there are so very many different Bibles. Each one has its unique benefits. Here is a pretty complete selection of what's available today.
Online Bible
Here is a great site for searching the Bible online, including a wide variety of translations and search methods. They've also added other helpful resources, and now they offer a very cool app, as well.
Bible Places
A number of sites provide photographs of the lands of the Bible. This site has an excellent collection, well-organized, and featuring helpful captions.
Bible Software
If you ever decide that you would like a high-end piece of Bible software, with an incredible array of translations, search capabilities, study devices and resources, original language tools, and more, we enthusiastically recommend BibleWorks.
3x5 Club Guarantees
The 3x5 Club comes with some guarantees. Here are the things you can count on absolutely.
First, you'll finish the Bible. If you read the assigned passages for each day, you'll finish the entire Bible during the calendar year.
Second, it won't be that hard. If you keep up with your daily reading, you'll find that the amount of time it takes each day is very manageable.
Third, you'll know the Bible better. By taking advantage of The 3x5 Club system and resources, you'll come out of the year with a far better knowledge and understanding of the Bible than you had before.
Fourth, your knowledge will snowball. The more you learn about the Bible during this year, the more you'll find yourself picking up in future reading, studying, classes, sermons, worship services, and such.
Fifth, singing will mean more. So many of our songs of faith are taken from or based on Scripture. The better we know those Scriptures, therefore, the better we will understand what we're singing.
And, finally, you will hear God more clearly. The Bible is His Word, and when we have it in our heads and in our hearts, we make it that much easier for Him to be able to speak to us in all of life.
First, you'll finish the Bible. If you read the assigned passages for each day, you'll finish the entire Bible during the calendar year.
Second, it won't be that hard. If you keep up with your daily reading, you'll find that the amount of time it takes each day is very manageable.
Third, you'll know the Bible better. By taking advantage of The 3x5 Club system and resources, you'll come out of the year with a far better knowledge and understanding of the Bible than you had before.
Fourth, your knowledge will snowball. The more you learn about the Bible during this year, the more you'll find yourself picking up in future reading, studying, classes, sermons, worship services, and such.
Fifth, singing will mean more. So many of our songs of faith are taken from or based on Scripture. The better we know those Scriptures, therefore, the better we will understand what we're singing.
And, finally, you will hear God more clearly. The Bible is His Word, and when we have it in our heads and in our hearts, we make it that much easier for Him to be able to speak to us in all of life.
John Wesley's Counsel for Reading the Bible
Set apart a little time, if you can, every morning and evening for that purpose.
At each time, if you have leisure, read a chapter out of hte Old, and one chapter out of the New, Testament. If you cannot do this, take a single cahpter, or a part of one.
Read this with a single eye, to know the whole will of God, and have a fixed resolution to do it. In order to know His will, you should have a constant eye to the analogy of faith, the connection and harmony there is between those grand, fundamental doctrines of original sin, justification by faith, the new birth, inward and outward holiness.
Serious and earnest prayer should be constantly used before we consult the oracles of God; seeing "Scripture can only be understood thorugh the same Spirit whereby it was given." Our reading should likewise be closed with prayer that what we read may be written on our hearts.
It might also be of use if, while we read, we were frequently to pause and examine ourselves by what we read, both with regard to our hearts and lives. This would furnish us with matter of praise, where we found God had enabled us to conform to His blessed will; and matter of humilation and prayer, where we are conscious of having fallen short. And whatever light you receive should be used to the uttermost, and that immediately. Let there be no delay. Whatever you resolve, begin to execute the first moment you can. So shall you find this word to be indeed the power of God unto present and eternal salvation.
(John Wesley, Preface to the Old Testament, Edinborough 1765)
At each time, if you have leisure, read a chapter out of hte Old, and one chapter out of the New, Testament. If you cannot do this, take a single cahpter, or a part of one.
Read this with a single eye, to know the whole will of God, and have a fixed resolution to do it. In order to know His will, you should have a constant eye to the analogy of faith, the connection and harmony there is between those grand, fundamental doctrines of original sin, justification by faith, the new birth, inward and outward holiness.
Serious and earnest prayer should be constantly used before we consult the oracles of God; seeing "Scripture can only be understood thorugh the same Spirit whereby it was given." Our reading should likewise be closed with prayer that what we read may be written on our hearts.
It might also be of use if, while we read, we were frequently to pause and examine ourselves by what we read, both with regard to our hearts and lives. This would furnish us with matter of praise, where we found God had enabled us to conform to His blessed will; and matter of humilation and prayer, where we are conscious of having fallen short. And whatever light you receive should be used to the uttermost, and that immediately. Let there be no delay. Whatever you resolve, begin to execute the first moment you can. So shall you find this word to be indeed the power of God unto present and eternal salvation.
(John Wesley, Preface to the Old Testament, Edinborough 1765)
Bible Reading Tips and Reminders
Read daily. You will find that daily reading assignments are not that long and not very difficult to complete. If you don't read every day, however, then you'll find that the chapters pile up pretty quickly. Then it gets easy to get discouraged and quit. So be sure to read every day!
Read daily. Wait, didn't we just say that? Yes, but there's more! If we want for God's Word to be part of our daily lives, then we ought to begin my making it part of our daily schedule. The habit we will develop during this year will continue to serve us well long after this year's goal is accomplished.
Be regular. If you attach your Bible reading time to something that you already do at the same time every day (e.g., waking up, brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, etc.), you'll find that it's easier for you to be regular about your reading.
The earlier the better. Whatever time of day you choose to read the Bible is good, but earlier might be better. First, there is the symbolism that comes with putting first things first. Second, there is the risk that the thing we put off until later becomes the thing that gets squeezed out by other stuff. And, third, there is the immeasurable benefit of starting your day with God's Word. Consider the poetic wisdom of Bishop Ralph Cushman.
Don't get bogged down. This class is designed to take place more at a survey level than at an in-depth level. Consequently, you shouldn't let yourself feel a burden to understand or remember everything you read. That will slow you down too much. Instead, trust the Lord and trust the process. Complete this one-year survey of the whole Bible, and then you'll be in a much better position to read, study, and understand it in-depth going forward.
Jot down your thoughts. It's hard to focus on the second paragraph if your mind is still preoccupied with something from the first paragraph. And so you'll find it helpful to get those things out of your head and onto paper as you read. Keep a pen and paper handy in order to jot down your questions and thoughts as you read -- that will keep your mind freed up to keep reading.
Keep your eye on the prize. Some goals can be accomplished by a burst of enthusiasm. Others, however, require something more durable than enthusiasm; they require commitment. Reading through the Bible cannot be accomplished in a burst; it will require a day-in-and-day-out commitment on our part. What you're excited to do on January 1st may not be so exciting on February 10th or September 29th. But keep at it! Keep your eye on the long-term goal of really getting to know the whole Bible, cover-to-cover, and all that God can accomplish in your life as a result. If you stick with the daily discipline, you'll achieve that long-term prize.
Read daily. Wait, didn't we just say that? Yes, but there's more! If we want for God's Word to be part of our daily lives, then we ought to begin my making it part of our daily schedule. The habit we will develop during this year will continue to serve us well long after this year's goal is accomplished.
Be regular. If you attach your Bible reading time to something that you already do at the same time every day (e.g., waking up, brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, etc.), you'll find that it's easier for you to be regular about your reading.
The earlier the better. Whatever time of day you choose to read the Bible is good, but earlier might be better. First, there is the symbolism that comes with putting first things first. Second, there is the risk that the thing we put off until later becomes the thing that gets squeezed out by other stuff. And, third, there is the immeasurable benefit of starting your day with God's Word. Consider the poetic wisdom of Bishop Ralph Cushman.
Don't get bogged down. This class is designed to take place more at a survey level than at an in-depth level. Consequently, you shouldn't let yourself feel a burden to understand or remember everything you read. That will slow you down too much. Instead, trust the Lord and trust the process. Complete this one-year survey of the whole Bible, and then you'll be in a much better position to read, study, and understand it in-depth going forward.
Jot down your thoughts. It's hard to focus on the second paragraph if your mind is still preoccupied with something from the first paragraph. And so you'll find it helpful to get those things out of your head and onto paper as you read. Keep a pen and paper handy in order to jot down your questions and thoughts as you read -- that will keep your mind freed up to keep reading.
Keep your eye on the prize. Some goals can be accomplished by a burst of enthusiasm. Others, however, require something more durable than enthusiasm; they require commitment. Reading through the Bible cannot be accomplished in a burst; it will require a day-in-and-day-out commitment on our part. What you're excited to do on January 1st may not be so exciting on February 10th or September 29th. But keep at it! Keep your eye on the long-term goal of really getting to know the whole Bible, cover-to-cover, and all that God can accomplish in your life as a result. If you stick with the daily discipline, you'll achieve that long-term prize.
Featured Quotes"Moreover, this passage teaches us that if we would know Christ, we must seek him in the Scriptures. Anyone who imagines Christ as he will, gets nothing but a mere blur. So we must first hold that Christ is known rightly nowhere but in Scripture. If this be so, our chief purpose in reading the Scriptures must be to arrive at a right knowledge of Christ."
(John Calvin, Commentaries) |
"O give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: Here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be a man of one book. Here then I am, far from the busy ways of men. I sit down alone: only God is here. In His presence I open, I read His book -- for this end, to find the way to heaven."
(from John Wesley, "Preface to Sermons on Several Occasions," 1747) |
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